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由邵一鸣领衔的中国疾病预防控制中心、北京大学和国际学者合作团队近日在国际知名期刊《nature communications》发表最新研究成果CTL-mediated immunotherapy can suppress SHIV rebound in ART-free macaques。该研究首次通过抗病毒与免疫联合治疗SHIV感染的恒河猴模型,证明疫苗诱导的CTL 过继性免疫治疗,可以降低或者完全抑制抗病毒治疗停药后的病毒反弹,为艾滋病功能性治愈研究提供了新策略本文研究结果显示在使用HIV疫苗诱导细胞免疫反应峰值时提取并扩增的CD8+T细胞,可降低或完全抑制停药后的病毒反弹,免疫效果显著的动物病毒载量可被抑制于检测水平之下达2 个多月。

                                              图1 实验设计和主要的干预流程

a 实验设计. b 治疗停止前SHIV-SF162P3感染猴子的病毒RNA水平(检测敏感度:每ml 2 Log RNA 拷贝). 虚线表示治疗期间病毒没有得到控制

他们在进一步的机制研究中发现,免疫抑制效果与回输细胞中抗HIV-1 Env基因表位的CTL应答存在剂量依赖关系。病毒反弹被完全控制猴子体内,Env 特异性 CD8+T细胞的多功能反应(p <0.0001)、杀伤能力(p=0.0001)、活化水平(p< 0.01)和Tcm 分化程度(p=0.038)均显著强于病毒反弹部分受控的动物。敲除上述具有良好免疫抑制效果猴子的CD8+T细胞,可使病毒载量迅速反弹到免疫治疗前水平,从而证实是CD8+T细胞介导了病毒的控制。



Abstract:A major barrier to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) cure is the existence of viral reservoirs that lead to viral rebound following discontinuation of antiretroviral therapy (ART). We postulate that enhancing cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) targeting conserved envelope (Env) regions can eliminate HIV infected cells in latency. Here, we evaluate the use of adoptively transferred HIV vaccine-induced subtype C Env-specific CTLs in a macaque subtype B simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) model to determine whether plasma viremia can be controlled after ART interruption. We demonstrate that adoptive cellular therapy (ACT) using autologous Env-specific T cells augmented by therapeutic vaccination can suppress ART-free viral rebound in the SHIV model. Furthermore, phenotypic and functional characterization of adoptively transferred cells in ACT-responsive and nonresponsive animals support a critical role for cross-reactive central memory T cells in viremia control. Our study offers an approach to potentiate immunological suppression of HIV in the absence of antiviral drugs.
