of Plague, Anthrax and Brucellosis among Russia, Mongolia,
Kazakhstan, China in “Belt and Road Initiative”
Under the background of globalization, convenient transportation and flourishing global trade facilitates the rapid spread of infectious diseases (such as plague, anthrax, brucellosis, etc.). Therefore, it is required that national health services in adjacent countries cooperate together to better identify and assess the risk of these infectious diseases and carry out joint control and prevent these diseases
It is under such a background, the “International Symposium on Joint Prevention and Control of Plague, Anthrax and Brucellosis among Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, China is organized by State Key Laboratory of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control (SKLID) and National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC on 14-18, October in Ordos City, Inner Mongolia. The symposium focus on the theme: Cooperation and Prospection: Joint Prevention and Control on Plague,Anthrax and Brucellosis.
A total of forty-five professionals engaged in plague, anthrax and brucellosis, including nine experts from Russia, five from Mongolia, four from Kazakhstan, and twenty-five domestic representatives introduced the control and surveillance measures for the above infectious diseases in various countries. In addition, the symposium also discussed the mechanism about adjacent counties timely communicate information and risks associated with these epidemics mentioned above, as well as the possibility to jointly control and prevent these infectious diseases. In the last, all experts in participating countries perspective the future cooperation and propose some research cooperation fields. And all experts reached consensus as follow: in order to decrease the risk of plague, anthrax and brucellosis, it is essential to promote the establishment of cooperation mechanism for the detection, maintenance and control these diseases among neighboring countries. And, in order to realize these proposes, participating experts will create the work group to promote the project practically on four-parties agreement, which will include information interchanging, joint epidemiological and epizootological monitoring, scientific cooperation and others.
Shcherbakova Svetlana Anatolievna教授做报告